Monday 30 April 2012

The Day it Rained

Saturday night I was awoken by the sound of wind and rain howling around the house, the sky was just liquid and the wind seemed never ending. This of course put me in mind to paint. I always want to paint; sometimes I think it's the only why I process the world. I spent the whole day on Sunday painting, listening to the wind and rain, trying to capture the feel of the storm on canvas. Being in a warm studio when there's a storm outside is the best thing in the world.  I only left the studio to get my much needed cup of tea and eat lunch —  I might be standing in the kitchen, but my mind is still in the studio.

The result was a painting called, not surprisingly "The Day it Rained".  Its all al primo which is unusual for me, with lots of grey's which is even more unusual.  Most of the painting is sky and the landscape is totally without detail, almost as if the land was flooded, (the field behind my house was actually flooded, and a tree came down on a power cable). When its dry enough to handle I will post a photo, but as the weather report is for much the same I think I will be doing lots more work with grey. 

Monday 9 April 2012


Washing the dishes on a sunday morning is not my most favorite of jobs. This sunday standing at the kitchen sink up to my elbows in hot water, while looking out at the spring garden, Hoagy Carmichael came on the radio singing "Skylark". I have always loved this song but had never heard this version before and Hoagy with his thin throaty voice really bought the lyrics to life for me, I don't think I've ever really heard them properly before. As I listened a whole host of images sprang into my mind inspired by the lyrics, every phrase turned into a painting, all the familiar scenes from the river banks and meadows of my particular bit of Wiltshire were translated into paintings by Hoagy's voice.

I have not done any pure landscape painting for over two years now, preferring instead to work on other subjects. But maybe I've had enough of a rest and its about time I did some more, after all I live in a beautiful part of the country and have the opportunity to do some really interesting en plein air work. I have about 12 paintings buzzing around inside my head, so when the good weather returns I think I will start a new collection and get it all down on paper.

Of course I will have to dedicate this collection to my husband who introduced me to this wonderful song in the first place, but I should say thank you to Radio 4 as well.